You Receive Constant Medical Diagnosis

Today we’ve got a guest post from Carlos Velez. He was one of the first people to read a draft copy of Gods Tomorrow, and he’s been a dedicated fan ever since.

You might also know him as one of the photographers responsible for the incredible cover art on Gods Tomorrow and Ghost Targets: Expectation (along with his wife, Julie Velez of Julie V. Photography). It’s a testament to the quality of art you can get when the artist is actually a fan of the book. (Not to mention the quality of art you can get when the artist is Julie V. Photography!)

Anyway, he was inspired to write a guest post for the site, and I’m thrilled to share it with you today. It just happens to fit into our month-long theme on Hippocrates and medicine in the world of Hathor, which is even better!

There are many medical benefits in a world where Hathor records the endless stream of constant data in our lives beyond the immediate medical emergency response we see in Gods Tomorrow. A major one that I long to see become reality is constant diagnosis of any illness or medical conditions we may have or develop.

Today, information is becoming so widespread on the internet that your average human is becoming less and less dependent on (and less and less trusting of) doctors. But imagine a world where every symptom you have and everything you eat or do that might have a negative or positive impact on a health condition is recorded in full detail. And not just yours — everyone’s.

Hathor (or Hippocrates) would learn over time what exactly aggravates an illness or chronic condition, what relieves it, and what cures it. Comparing your personal medical history, daily eating and lifestyle habits, and circumstances to the billions of other people in the world, you could receive a constant evaluation of your situation.

Just like Hathor can find you the perfect apartment in seconds, it could also recommend medicines, foods, and lifestyle changes in order of statistical probability to work. It could immediately make adjustments to your treatment when something does not work, without the need of setting appointments with doctors.

If certain foods give you allergic reactions or worsen symptoms for you, Hathor will already know from past occurrences and others’ experiences. It will warn you when you are about to buy or order food that will do you harm. It can show you exactly what symptoms you’ll suffer and can even play recordings of the worst experiences if you need reminding as to why you should make the right choice.

Hathor will create a meal plan for you and order your groceries based on what is good for you to eat and what you actually like…not to mention what you’ll actually cook. No matter what a friend or website might recommend, Hathor won’t tell you to buy more apple cider vinegar because it knows you made a grimace the first time you tried it and it’s been buried in the back of your pantry ever since.

Hathor will keep your prescriptions filled so you never go without, and it will automatically remind you to take your pills or vitamins so you never miss a dose.

Hathor will give you regular reports to show you exactly, in as much excruciating detail as you can handle, how your illness has progressed and what has affected it.

Over time, the root causes of many illnesses will be revealed, treatments will be standardized, unique exceptions will be documented and instantly used to make adjustments in treatment wherever appropriate. And it will all happen on a constant and immediate basis.

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